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About us

1994 - Driven by Motherly Instinct

Charlotte Vøhtz's mission to create truly organic skincare began when her young daughter, Sandra, battled multiple skin allergies and eczema. Searching the high street for natural products that would be gentle on Sandra’s sensitive skin, Charlotte discovered that many so-called natural skincare brands used almost entirely synthetic ingredients. In fact, a product only needs less than 1% natural or organic ingredients to be labeled as 'natural.' Charlotte says, "From that moment, I realized we are all children of the chemical age, and that man-made chemicals found everywhere, combined with changing dietary habits, can affect us all."

1997 - The Birth of Green People

The lack of gentle, natural skincare products on the market led Charlotte to start creating her own organic creams and balms, specifically tailored to her daughter’s allergy-prone skin. Charlotte says, “There are countless motivations behind becoming an entrepreneur – being your own boss, making money, or starting something new. For me, it was the desire to help treat the skin problems Sandra was suffering from. As any parent of a child with serious skin issues will know, it can be a long and frustrating battle to find treatments that truly improve the skin."

1999 - Making Organic Standards the Norm

After witnessing many misleading claims from other beauty brands, Charlotte was determined to introduce regulations in an industry where only 1% natural ingredients were required to call a product 'natural.' She approached the Soil Association, the UK's leading organic certification body, to encourage them to establish standards for organic health and beauty products. In 1999, Charlotte was invited to sit on a Soil Association committee to help create the first standards for organic skincare. Charlotte, along with Green People's Cosmetic Scientist Ian Taylor, played a significant role in setting natural and organic cosmetic standards.

2000-2014 - Building a Loyal Following

Green People built a dedicated fan base through exceptional customer service and the highest-quality organic products. The countless reviews from grateful customers who were relieved to find skincare that worked for them are a testament to Charlotte’s commitment to creating effective organic solutions. During this time, Green People won over 140 awards from magazines and organizations, including Natural Health Magazine, Ultimate Natural Beauty Bible, and The Green Parent, along with the midwife-approved TIPS awards for the Organic Babies range.

Green People - Today

With a wealth of knowledge and experience, Green People now offers a complete range of certified organic products for the whole family. Green People products contain up to 99% active natural and organic ingredients to protect, nourish, balance, and most importantly, respect your body. Charlotte says, “We constantly receive feedback from customers about our products. It’s so rewarding to hear reviews telling us how we’ve helped transform a customer’s skin problem – and the responses we get from knowing we’re making a difference make it all worthwhile!” Although Green People has come a long way from a mother simply searching for answers for her daughter’s skin problems, as a family business, we still care for all our customers, offering the same personal service we always have.

Green People – Benelux

The beautiful organic skincare brand Green People hails from the UK. Since 2014, biocareonline.nl and since 2016, biocareproducts.nl have been the official importers of this remarkable brand. Suzanne Smal, owner of Biocare, also had a son who struggled with severe eczema, even to the point of open wounds. This personal experience helped Suzanne recognize the true value of natural skincare products. Her background as a skin therapist and the effectiveness of natural products eventually provided the solution for her son’s skin issues. This journey inspired Suzanne to start her own business. Suzanne says, “When I realized the value of natural cosmetics, I knew I wanted to share this experience with as many people as possible.”

Biocare Products is the exclusive importer of Green People for the Benelux and works closely with Green People UK.


Green People is a natural and organic care brand with quality at its heart. We are very happy that we have won more than 150 prizes in all our products.


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